Miss Aitken, Sophie and Ben completed this blog post.
This term our topic has been Forces and Transport. This term all of the classes at Menstrie Primary were learning about a STEM based topic.
P3 have carried out lots of experiments which involved making our own predictions and completing science reports.We have been learning about gravity, magnetism, friction, air resistance and buoyancy.
Last night we were part of a whole school STEM showcase at the Dumyat centre. It was interesting to see what everyone else has been learning. There were lots of exciting stalls to visit including SSERC, FES, a lightlab show and many other partnerships. Ben’s Mum had a stall as she is a countryside ranger! Her stall was about raising awareness of owls and their digestive system.
Ben – My favourite part was my Mum’s stall and the little robot that traced over drawings. It was so cool!
Sophie – My favourite part of the showcase was getting to show my Mum the toy car experiment at our section.