
Another busy week in Primary 3! This week we have been revisiting addition and subtraction. We have been using different strategies to add and subtract numbers. We are getting quite fast at this! Ask us to show you at home. Today was the Primary 7 Funday, we all had a fantastic time.  Our favourite part was the bouncy castle and face paints.

This afternoon we are carrying out more research on Ancient Egypt. Here are some pictures of us in action! We are going to share our findings with the rest of the class.

There is an Online Sumdog challenge set for homework. Please check it out!

DYW week

We have enjoyed DYW week so far. We have been learning more about money and we have been calculating different amounts of change. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed this week.

Jessica – I liked writing about what I want to be when I grow up. I liked hearing what everyone else would like to be and why.

Eva – I liked writing questions for people with different jobs. I am excited to hear what they say.

Elise – I have enjoyed working with money. It was fun taking part in the group challenge.

Romy – I am looking forward to drama this afternoon. We are going to play drama games.

Isla – I liked hearing about the diferent roles and responsibilities of Ancient Egyptians.

Werner – I enjoyed designing the Egyptian necklace.

Alicia – I liked the necklace task.

Non Fiction Book Detectives

In pairs we read the non fiction text “All about mummies”. We took our books outside to the outdoor classroom. Next Miss Aitken read the book to us and we discussed the features of a non fiction text. We read it twice, once for enjoyment and twice for information! We looked at the index and discussed some of the meanings of different words.

Afterwards we had to complete a detective task which involved answering a series of questions and recording our answers. We had to think carefully and look for information in the text. We are going to display our work on our Ancient Egypt display (have a look when passing by!)


Outdoor Fractions

Today we were learning about fractions. In pairs we used hula hoops to draw circles in the playground.  We drew four each and used chalk to colour in different fractions of each circle. We then had to swap with another pair and write the fraction underneath the  circle. Afterwards we were given a series of problem solving questions from Miss Aitken about the pupils in the class.  We had to organise ourselves into groups of 3, 4, 6 and 8 and some of the questions were quite silly/funny!

We are going to be playing a fraction game outside this afternoon using different coloured cones. We will post pictures!

P3A Homework

We have been learning about Ancient Egypt and have been having a lot of fun making Tutankamun masks. Your homework is to carry out some research into Anicent Egypt. You can look at any aspect such as Houses, Food and Drink, Building the Pyramids, Clothing, Jewellery etc. You will then present this information to the class. You can use a Powerpoint, posters, books, pictures and any other props you wish to use.  Your talk should last between 3-5 minutes. Remember to work on using the correct volume, pace and tone of voice when you are practising your talk at home.

After your interesting and  successful Under the Sea talks I am excited to hear your presentations Primary 3!


Miss Aitken


Friday already! Another jam packed week in Primary 3. Here are our views/ thoughts about this week.

Jessica – I enjoyed learning new topic words about Ancient Egypt.

Ben – I enjoyed drawing the details on the death mask.

Romy – I liked making our death masks because you got to create your own design.

Lucy H – I liked solving division problems with playdough. It was fun!

Isla – I liked PE because we have been increasing our speed when running.

Alicia – I enjoyed learning more about Ancient Egypt.

Olivia – I enjoyed watching the clip all about Ancient Egypt.

Elise – I enjoyed PE because we are doing really fun stuff. We have been learning new games which involve jumping.

Sophie – I enjoyed writing my imaginative story this week. It was fun to write.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone. I am going to busy finding this week’s homework award winners!


A busy start to the summer term. We started our week revising some concepts we learned in numeracy and mathematics last term. We used our show me boards to show our answers and used different strategies to help us calculate problems. Later on in the week we moved onto division. We made a start to our new topic which is “Ancient Egypt.” Here are some of of our views about the week.

Elise – I really enjoyed starting our new topic. I am looking forward to learning more about it.

Romy – I like our new topic. I like that it is sunny too!

Eva – I am excited to learn more about Ancient Egypt.

Finn – I am enjoying division and using different strategies.

Alicia – I enjoyed dividing numbers and objects.

Sophie – I enjoyed starting our new class novel.

Lucy H – I have enjoyed PE this week, I liked running and throwing the javelin. I am looking forward to circle time this afternoon to share my news.

Werner – I enjoyed throwing the javelin at PE because on my last throw I managed to get it far! I also enjoyed ICT this morning.

Isla – I am enjoying learning about division.

Jessica – I have the hang of dividing by 2,3,5 and 10.

Homework will resume on Monday 23rd April. I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter break!


STEM showcase

Miss Aitken, Sophie and Ben completed this blog post.

This term our topic has been Forces and Transport. This term all of the classes at Menstrie Primary were learning about a STEM based topic.

P3 have carried out lots of experiments which involved making our own predictions and completing science reports.We have been learning about gravity, magnetism, friction, air resistance and buoyancy.

Last night we were part of a whole school STEM showcase at the Dumyat centre. It was interesting to see what everyone else has been learning. There were lots of exciting stalls to visit including SSERC, FES, a lightlab show and many other partnerships. Ben’s Mum had a stall as she is a  countryside ranger! Her stall was about raising awareness of owls and their digestive system.

Ben – My favourite part was my Mum’s stall and the little robot that traced over drawings. It was so cool!

Sophie – My favourite part of the showcase was getting to  show my Mum the toy car experiment at our section.

Our Learning

We have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties this week. We had fun playing games and learning songs about them! We looked at 3D shapes within our environment and discussed their properties. Ask us about them at home!

We have been reading “George’s Marvellous Medicine” in class and this week we used our imaginative writing skills to write our own marvellous medicine stories. We used VCOP to uplevel our sentences, with a particular focus on vocabulary.

In French we have been learning Days of the Week, Numbers up to 50 and name of clothing. We have enjoyed playing loto this week!



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