Education Scotland Inspection Report

Dear Parent/Carer,

You will be aware that in April 2024 a team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited Deerpark Primary School. The inspection report has now been published and is attached to this email.

We are delighted and proud that so many of the key strengths at Deerpark Primary School have been recognised by Education Scotland.

The inspection team highlighted the strength of school leadership commenting ‘The headteacher, supported well by her senior leadership team (SLT), has worked effectively to create a calm, purposeful learning environment in which children and adults demonstrate mutual respect. She is highly regarded in the school, the community and by staff in the local authority. She demonstrates drive and determination yet leads with humility’.

Education Scotland also praised our school for having ‘Good’ approaches of ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion that lead to positive outcomes for young people and the community. They added that the focus on relationships has ensured that ‘children benefit from the warm, safe, caring ethos and culture within the school. Staff maintain a consistent and strong focus on promoting and enhancing children’s wellbeing. Staff work well to develop positive, supportive relationships with children, parents and partners, and between children’.

Praise was also given for our work around anti-bullying. They discussed that ‘most children and the majority of their parents believe that bullying is dealt with well by staff in the school’ and recognised that ‘staff ensure there is a strong focus on a restorative approach across the school. Consequently, instances of bullying and discriminatory behaviour are declining’.

The visiting inspectors noted that ‘the quality of relationships and behaviour is very good between all staff and children. This has impacted positively on children’s behaviour’, and that ‘children are very proud of their school’.

Some areas for improvement were identified and discussed with the school. Inspectors advised that the school should continue to have a drive towards raising attainment and focus on approaches to learning and teaching.

We are delighted with the many positives that have been highlighted in this report and incredibly grateful to all members of our Deerpark Primary School community, staff, pupils, parents/carers, and other partners for the support you give us. We are determined to build on the many positives in our inspection report to ensure that Deerpark Primary School goes from strength to strength in securing the very best outcomes for our young people.

The whole inspection report can be found by clicking this link.

Thank you for your continued support.

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