Welcome back to Deerpark Primary School and our final term of this session. It is great to see everyone after our two week break.
We talked about our special visitors coming into school next week to see what it is in Deerpark Primary School. Our visitors will be visiting classes and meeting with children, parents and staff throughout the week.
Primary 1W talked about their exciting afternoon yesterday experimenting and playing with the milk crates as part of our new loose parts play equipment. Jake E and Connor were able to explain that they used the crates to stand on and try to reach the branches of the trees. Ross explained that he worked with others to build a den for Rosie the cat. Mrs Bernard explained that sadly we had to buy anti-vandal paint to protect the storage shed from people climbing and standing on the roof. It is already buckled but we are hopeful that the anti-vandal paint will help prevent this from happening again.
Stewart House Captains , gave out Numeracy Star awards. Numeracy Stars for this week are Euan , Thomas N , Noah P, Logan & Lacey, Chloe , Kadi and Milly .
Wallace House Captains gave out Literacy Stars for this week. They are Tyler, Jake E, Nikodem & Evie, Ronald , Luke , Harry and Dylan B and Lewis L.
Star Pupils for this week, awarded by Schaw House Captains are Kailyn & Corbin , Everyone in P1W! Noah S , Annie , Xander & Taylor, Chloe S and Ciaran .
Makaton Signers of the week are Connor, Billierose , Luke and Kadi! They were presented with their certificates by Bruce House Captains
Well done everyone. We are proud of you all.
Have a happy and safe weekend everyone.