Author: Mrs Johnston


In PE P1 were working on different movements and stopping on a signal before practicing their underarm throw to targets and trying to control the body scooters. Great effort from everyone!

Owl Babies

As part of our focus this week we are looking at the story Owl Babies.

We talked about why the babies miss their mummy and how they feel. We then talked about who makes us feel safe and who our favourite people are. We then created some beautiful cards for our special people.

Some children wrote independently using their sounds! Well done!


We were excited to receive our numicon today and made numicon sandwiches.

We chatted about having two toppings to make ten!

Number bonds to 10 are important to help us with our addition.


Today in literacy we were looking at how we connect ourselves to the story. We looked at the story ‘We’re all Wonders’ and thought about all the ordinary things Auggie could do and what we could do too. We went outside and took pictures of what we could do.

We were able to say what an author was and talked about illustrators. We also talked about the word wonder being like the word wonderful and that it was a good thing. We also spoke about the word ordinary.

Another Busy Day in Primary1

What a busy day we had in Primary One today!

We enjoyed counting the little mice on the wall in our loose parts garden today. There was also a fun game of hide and seek! We took part in some climbing activities while some of us investigated how to stay safe in the trees!

Inside the classroom we worked on learning new sounds and missing numbers! We were very proud of our efforts.


Today Primary One wanted to know how dinosaurs move.

We looked at different dinosaurs and looked at their size, length of their legs, whether they walked on two or four legs and whether they had wings or not.

We then did some drama where we acted like the different types of dinosaurs.

We enjoyed investigating the movements.

The Rainbow Fish

Today we read the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister. Rhys told us that an author is the person who writes the book and Lacie M told us an illustrator draws the pictures.

We then did some art by creating our own rainbow fish with tissue paper and tin foil!