Anderson Shelter Construction

This week Primary 5 from Claremont and Primary 7 from St John’s went to visit the site to see a replica Anderson Shelter being constructed.

This was an excellent opportunity for a real life context to support their World War II topics.

The chidren who went to the site went back to school full of enthusiasm about construction and design and explained that it was the Joiners that were putting the Anderson Shelter together.

After getting into the appropriate safety clothing the children got to go into the Shelter. It’s huge!

Robertson have very kindly made two Shelters and are taking them to each school in Friday.

P 5/6/7 Site Visit

Some Primary 5s, 6s and 7s from each school went to visit the site last week.

On arrival they were given appropriate safety clothes to make sure they were safe and visable whilst on site.

Next they met the site engineer. He is a civil engineer and he explained that his job is to survey the site to check that every brick, piece of wood and piece of metal is put in exactly the correct place.

They use special equipment to do this and the children got to see a demonstartion of this is action.