In music we have been learning to play recorders . We learned about how to play the notes A and B we got little booklets on how to play recorders. First we learned about the note B, in the booklet there was a song about animals we had to play the recorders to the song. There was another song called clean clothes . It was hard at first but then we picked it up . The note B is an easy note but then it got harder for some people . The second week we learned how to play the note A it was fun because when we were playing the song and the recorders I think I broke my leg. Because I got a fright and banged my leg of the table it was funny and sore . Once we got a hang of playing the note A we tried to play note A and B. It was hard because when you had to keep changing your fingers about you got mixed up with notes A and B but we got there in the end .
i like doing the reecorders
i like music