Character Lessons

In class we went in our cooperative learning groups. In the cooperative learning groups we got trays with lots of objects in them and we had to look at the objects very carefully and make interesting characters with them. We then took on the illustrator role and drew a picture of our characters mine was called Jade Malik. We then shared our characters with the rest of the class and we gave each other feed back on them and saying what we could have done better. A few days later we looked back at the characters and made stories with them. We liked this Lesson.



On Friday 26th April we had an art lesson.We drew a camel .First the outline was drawn then the face, they were fantastic. After that we drew the legs. Did you know that the camels feet has padding on it so they do not sink in sand and we drew all the body. A while later we all drew on the background and there was sand,rocks,grass,trees and pyramids. Everyone enjoyed it, we are looking forward to seeing them finished.

Danny Fox

In class we are reading Danny Fox. It was written by David Thomson and illustrated by Rowan Clifford. We take turns reading a page each and we do book detective tasks on the book. In class we went into our co-operative learning groups and picked a character(s) from the book our characters were Lick, Chew and Swallow. Our group worked together to create these characters using cotton wool, paint, glue, crept paper and pens to make them. We waited till the next day until they dried they turned out brilliant and they are going on the wall to make our display. We are enjoying the book and making the display.
By Natalya and Kaitlyn

Circle Time

In our class we have circle time. One day we were telling each other our favourite things from home and we brought them in to show everyone. I brought in a poem and a picture of my gran. It was nice and relaxing and it was nice to hear from my friends.

This week we had circle time again and we were talking about bullying. We spoke about different types of bulling and what it can look like. Then we said how we could help someone being bullied.

We scrunched up a bit of paper and pretended it was someone’s heart. We kicked it and stepped on it and punched it and shouted at it, then we tried to fix it, but it was too late, the paper was broken and hurt. It was sad because even if you say sorry, you can’t go back and take it away.

I liked this.