Indian Facts

We are coming to the end of our Indian topic, heres some info.The population of India is 1.02 billion The capital city is New Dehli, one of the most famous rivers is called the River Ganges it is 1560 miles long.

Indian music ranges from classical ragas performed on traditional instruments. To modern pop music influenced by American-style Hip Hop and Rap. Most celebrations in India are connected with Hinduism. The last fact is Holi is a festival at the end of winter to celebrate the coming of spring. In class we have been doing fact files.

That was some of our facts we had on our fact files.

From Kai and Kaitlyn

The Back Street Gang

Yesterday we were learning about health our group name was the Back Street Health Gang. This is our rap.

“Hey we are the Back Street Health Gang and we are going to do a rap for you. If you eat healthy come and join the back street health gang, if your feeling bad try to be rad, if you feel good try to eat healthy food. On Sunday there was a boy called Cameron he was going to join the half marethon. Hey, my names
Cameron I am going to do the half marathon if I lose I dont care at least I took part dude. Beware beware it’s not health if you eat a bear. If you don’t go to bed early thats not healthy. Never spit on folk because your wasting siliva. Thanks for listening dog hola.

It was a fabulous opportunity make a rap together about health.

Tutty Frutty Song

In our class at the moment we are learning to make healthy choices. we worked in groups, our group was called the Tutty Frutty Gang and we worked really hard to put together a song ours was called the Tutty Frutty Song. We then stood up and preformed the song and hear it is.

“Tutty frutty I need to get up tutty frutty go for a run… Tutty frutty style mmm make some noise mmm eat an apple every day keeps the doctors away. Tutty frutty go for a sleep gives you energy for the next day. Treat others the way you want to be teated tutty frutty style mmm make some noise eat an apple every day keep the doctor away always wash your hands if you sneeze so you don’t catch a desese hey tasty apple O,O,O,O tutty frutty style.

Hope you enjoyed this thanks for reading.

The Healthy Song

We have been doing a lesson on health.We had to make a rap/song or poem.It had to be about hygiene/food and drink/sleep/excercise and feelings.Our group did a song called The Healthy Song.It went like this.

” If you jog in the morning it will keep you healthy x2.
If you eat an apple every day it will keep that mean doctor away.
If you go to sleep early you will have lots of energy!
If you jog in the morning it will keep you healthy. You have to be happy or you’ll be snappy and you won’t be healthy! Ready or not here I come I’m gonna fight away those germs and if cough on your hands then wash them.”

We liked this lesson because it was fun.