During class we have been learning about book detectives. We have learned five roles so far. They are Summariser, Character Specialist,Question Setter,Word Finder and Illustrator. In the Summariser role you have too memorise what had happened in the book.In the Character Specialist you have too write down a character profile.In the Question Setter you have to set questions on the book.In the Word Finder you have too look in a dictionary for the words you find tricky.In the Illustrator role you need too draw a picture of your favourite character in the book you are reading.Our favourite role is the illustrator role because we love too draw.
wrote by Cameron and Natalya
me and cameron really engoyed doing this blog!!
book detectives is good
I absolitly LOVED! THIS blog and I think even though you had a rough start but you got there in the end well done from me and caleb
It was cool from caleb
I love doing book detectives because we get to be illistraitors,word finders,charectar specilasts and queston setters
Well done, great blog. I also love book detectives.
What is your favourite role?
my favorite role was illistrator and charecter specilist
from leah and aimee
You worked so so hard.My favrourite role is illistraitor.
my favourite role was the illustrator!:)