Our Class Trip to Alloa Tower

On the 5th of February 2013 our class went to the Alloa tower.
A man was the tour guide he took us all around the tower. First of all we went across to the dungeon.The tour guide opened the hatch and turned the light on and showed us the SKELETON!!!!He then went up stairs with us to the second floor.Then he told us a story then we went up to the third floor. We split into two groups and went up onto the roof (battlements.) The group that went up first had a little short tour and they saw the ditch (toilet.) The group that stayed down stairs while the others were up stairs got a choice to colour in or play with balls,plate spinners or skipping ropes.After both groups done each activity we went back to the ground floor and said good bye to the lady at the desk.But we said a big and special thank you to the man a.k.a our tour guide.