This term we are learning about Blood, bones and body part! We made a list of all the things we would like to find out about and the list is so long that I think we will be extremely busy for the next few weeks.
The first thing we did was get ourselves into new cooperative learning groups. Here is a photograph of us with our group banners.
Last week we learned about the skeleton. We labelled all of the bones in the body using words that we were familiar with. Then Mrs Ross set us a challenge. We had to use the proper names for all of the bones and label them correctly. The skull is called the cranium, your femur is your thigh bone and it is the strongest bone in your body, the ulna is your fore arm, the mandible is your jaw bone, your scapula is your shoulder blade and your sternum is your breast bone. There are lots more and we are hoping that we can remeber at least 5 of these difficult words.
Have a look at the display we have in our classroom that will help us to remeber.
Do you like our cotton bud skeletons? We had great fun making them and putting them into lots of different postions.
We have been working on creating some raps/songs/poems about bones in our cooperative learning groups and we are looking forward to performing them to the rest of our class. Look out for them appearing on our blog…
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party? because he had no body to go with! hee hee.
This is a really interesting topic P4 with lots of really super words to learn! Your cotton bud skeletons are great too. What a lot of bones we have in our body. Can you tell me how many?
A really big thank you P4 for all your great work in our sensory garden. You are all great gardeners!