Roman Gods and Goddesses

We have been learning about Roman Gods and Godesses.  We have been working in our Cooperative Learning Groups to research information about one God and One Goddess.  Each group had to make sure that they were researching different Gods and Goddesses than the others so that they could become experts.  We then put all the information that we gathered onto a poster and presented it to the class.  Here are some pictures of us doing our presentations.


A Contubernium researched The Roman God Jupiter and The Goddess Diana.

A Century reasearched The Roman God Pluto and The Goddess Vesta.

A Legion researched The Roman God Neptune and The Goddess Venus.

A Cohort researched The Roman God Mars and The Goddess Minerva.

The Cavarly researched The Roman God Mercury and The Goddess Juno.

We now know lots of information about these Gods and Goddesses like:

Minerva was born directly out of Jupiter’s brain – Abbie

Mercury was Jupiter’s youngest son – Dylan

Jupiter is the King of all Gods – Kirk

Neptune could raise his hand and a new island would appear because he was the God of the Sea – Adam

Mars was the God of war – Kieran

Venus was the Goddess of love and beauty – Jules

Juno was married to Jupiter and she was very jealous – Sirin

Minerva was the Goddess of Wisdom – Devyn

We also worked in our groups to re-write a story about one of our Gods and Goddesses.  The Calvary wrote about ‘Mercury and Apollo’, A Legion wrote about ‘Venus and Queen Helen’, A Contubernium wrote about ‘Jupitor, Juno and Little Io’, A Cohort wrote about ‘ Minerva and Neptune and A Century wrote about ‘Pluto and the King’.  Each person in the group was responsible for writing one part of the story and it was pieced together at the end.  If you come along to our Open Evening on the 26th of March you will be able to read these magnificent stories!