It’s Christmaaaas!

Over the last few weeks we have had so much fun in Primary 4.  We have been working on all sorts of Christmas crafts, maths and writing activities so that we can create a little book to take home to our parents at the end of term. 

Mrs Ross thought it would be a fun idea for us to sew our own Christmas Bauble decorations and although it was tricky at first , we soon got the hang of it.  We sewed on some sequence on both parts of the felt bauble shapes and then we had to sew them both together, stuff them with cotton wool and sew them up.  They look great, we can’t wait to add them to our Christmas trees at home!

In the next few days we have got the Cakes and Carols Concert to look forward to as well as making our Christmas cards (Mrs Ross has a great ideas for those) and our church service to end the term. 

We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and we look forward to getting back into our new topic about the Romans in the new year.

P4 Homework Challenge!

Instead of having our reading, spelling and maths homework, Mrs Ross set us a homework challenge.  We had to use junk materials to create a 3d model of a landmark in Clackmannanshire.  Have a wee look at our creations and see if you can work out what landmarks we chose to make…


This is just a sample of the amazing completed models, hopefully we will be able to upload the rest soon.  Aren’t they amazing?  Well done P4!