P4 Learning 2DIY

Mr McLaren has been teaching us how to design our own computer games using a programme called 2DIY.  The first game we made was a drag game, then a placing game but our favourite game was the platform one.  We designed Santa’s Grotto with platforms on it and we had Santa collecting all the presents that were left by the elves.  We had to be quick though because the elves were trying to catch us at the same time. 

Hayden thought the game was amazing, Marcus had a brilliant time creating and playing the game and Sirin enjoyed creating the characters in her game.

Mr McLaren has been very busy in the middle floor teaching all of the classes how to use this program.  He has been teaching us how to create different games so Mrs Ross and Miss Fulton decided to let us be teachers for the afternoon and share our expertise with the other class.  P4/5 came into our room and we had great fun teaching each other how to create and play the different games.  P4/5 taught us how to create a pairs game and a jigsaw game and we taught them how to make a dragging game and a placing game.  We can’t wait to teach P4/5 how to make a platform game because we think they will enjoy this one as much as we did!