P4 Open Classroom

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents that came to our Open classroom on Thursday afternoon.  We enjoyed sharing all of our work with you and I think our experts did a very good job at describing what was on display at their area. 

The children have worked hard to produce work of a very high standard and it was clear to see that they were very proud of our classroom and all of their work that was on display.

The best part was when they showed their parents their dance moves during ‘The Hippo and The Dog’  dance to show how comfortable they all are with each other.

Check out our photos below.




3 thoughts on “P4 Open Classroom”

  1. It was super to see so many visitors enjoying looking at all your work and hearing about your learning. Everyone loved the Hippo and Dog dance and you were all so good at it. Keep dancing!

  2. Well done to Primary 4. What a great afternoon we had looking around your classroom at all the wonderful things you have all produced. Your classroom is looking fantastic so bright and colourful and you are all so enthusiastic about learning. Superb.

  3. Hello everybody – I am just popping in on Sunday night to read your blogs. This is so much more interesting than watching the Xfactor results with Mrs McLaren!
    Your classroom is looking great just now and you are working very hard.

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