This week we have been learning about orangutans. I know they live in Borneo and Sumatra the males have a big pouch around their face . Their name means people of the forest. They live up to 45 years and they live alone apart from mothers and babies.They eat fruit and they remember where the fruit is . Each night they make a new nest. They have very rubbery lips which hold a lot of water .

by Eryn and Ross M


This week we were looking at the butterflies that live in the canopy layer of the rainforest.  We looked at the lifecycle of a butterfly.  First the butterfly lays eggs then the eggs hatch and out comes a little caterpillar.  Next the caterpillar grows bigger and makes a chrysallis around itself.  Finally the chrysallis opens and out comes a beautiful butterfly.  Then the cycle begins again.

We noticed that butterflies are colourful and they are symmetrical.  We made butterflies out of cubes.  Here they are.

Chinese New Year

This week we have been learning about CHINESE NEW YEAR !!!!!!  It is the 10th of February this year.  Chinese people like the  colour  red and gold because they believe it is lucky.  Chinese people have a buddah in a temple and they go there to light candle at new year..  It is a very inportant time of year.  This  is the year of the snake.  L ast year it was the year of the dragon next year is the  year of the horse.  They have an festival with fireworks and a dragon dance.

 by Ella ,Eryn and Jade

We made dragons this week and we learned a song called Dragon Dance.  On Friday 8th February we asked Mrs Middleton if we could borrow somw drums and cymbals and we danced around our class to the music.  We did our own Dragon Dance for Chinese New Year.  Mrs Petrie filmed us and Mr McLaren is going to put the film on our blog so look out for it!!


Animal classification

This week we have been grouping animals.We have mammals,reptiles,amphibians and birds.Mammals give birth to live young but not eggs.Reptiles do not have fur they have scales.Birds are warm-blooded not cold blooded.Amphibians have really webbed feet like  frogs.Reptiles are lizards,snakes,tortoises,crocodiles,alligators and chameleons.MAMMALS are panthers,gorillas,tigers,jaguars,cheetahs and leopards.A humming bird goes WHIRRRRRRR!


Sloths and Humming Birds

We learned this week that sloths and humming birds live in the emergent layer of the rainforest which is the highest layer.

Sloths have very good claws for gripping onto branches and they are slow and sleepy.  Humming birds wings beat 25 times in a second and their wings go in the shape of a number 8.  Humming birds feet are so tiny they cannot walk on the ground and they find sitting on a perch difficult.  They use a lot of energy beating their wings so at night they hibernate to save energy.  They eat nectar from flowers and they have long thin straws for drinking the nectar.

Our new topic Jungle Animals

Another word for jungles is rainforests.  We found out where there are rainforests in the world.  We coloured inrainforests on  a world map and found out the names of the countries.  Keeley says Africa,  Ella says Caribbean, Sean says Madagascar, Caitlyn says South America, Jade says China, Angel says Australia and Ross S says India. 

We have also made  jungle leaves and trees to decorate our classroom.  We all brought in cereal boxes to make a jungle explorer.  When they are finished we will put up a photo on the blog.

We have started a Jungle Explorer Log Book.

Our show The Gift Bringer

Here we are at our show which we really enjoyed putting on for our families and friends.  We were nervous but we all managed to say our words, sing, act and play our instruments.

Our friends from p6 helped us with our show.  They worked the lights, music, curtains and made sure everything was on stage.  Thank you  all for helping.


Look at our wall we made Baboushka houses and Baboushka dolls and we made presents.  On our presents are gift tags saying who we would like to give a gift to and why.  Baboushka’s house is the best in the village but she missed the baby Jesus being born because she was too late to see him.

Our Visit to the Festival of Trees

This morning we went up to the church to see the Christmas trees.  There were 36 trees and they were all very good.  We had to find the angels and decide which tree we liked the best.  Ross, Eryn, Loklan and Mrs Petrie voted for number 6.  Keeley, Harris, Caitlyn, Jade, Angel, Joshua, Aimee and Emma all voted for number 15.  Ella and Holly voted for number 19.  Declan and Ava liked number 1 and Mackenzie liked number 29.  After we had looked at the trees the ladies asked us if we wanted some juice and biscuits.  There was a lady dressed as an angel and she met our Angel.

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