Chinese New Year

This week we have been learning about CHINESE NEW YEAR !!!!!!  It is the 10th of February this year.  Chinese people like the  colour  red and gold because they believe it is lucky.  Chinese people have a buddah in a temple and they go there to light candle at new year..  It is a very inportant time of year.  This  is the year of the snake.  L ast year it was the year of the dragon next year is the  year of the horse.  They have an festival with fireworks and a dragon dance.

 by Ella ,Eryn and Jade

We made dragons this week and we learned a song called Dragon Dance.  On Friday 8th February we asked Mrs Middleton if we could borrow somw drums and cymbals and we danced around our class to the music.  We did our own Dragon Dance for Chinese New Year.  Mrs Petrie filmed us and Mr McLaren is going to put the film on our blog so look out for it!!


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