Jog Scotland

This week we finished  Jog Scotland.   We ran and jogged from Fortwillam to Mallaig.  We had to jog 65 km it was FUN!!!!!!  At the end of every session we were all exhausted.  We started to sweat so we needed water.   Some days  we were  inside because it was raining.  Some days we were outside because it was sunny. by Eryn Marshall


This week we got into groups and made swimming pool posters.  Before that we talked about adjectives to describe swimming pools and we sorted them into 4 groups.  Qualities, Colours, Moods and Size.  We also talked about verbs and we wrote lots of verbs on the board to say what you can do in a swimming pool.  Lastly we talked about nouns these are the things you would see and touch in a swimming pool.  We made a swimming pool, every group chose a different shape, we wrote words and we drew people in the pool.  Our posters are displayed in the classroom and we put up the words    We Love Swimming.


This week we went outside with jugs of water and we made puddles.  After we made the puddles we drew around them with chalk.  Then we went back inside.  Later on we went outside and we noticed that the puddles had disappeared.  They had evaporated.  This means that the water had changed into water vapour because it had been heated up by the sun and this water vapour had gone up into the sky.

An example of evaporation might be a bucket of water in your garden that slowly gets lower.  by Eryn

When I live in a camp I noticed that the field is wet after the rain then it dries up and I can play football again on it. by Barry

The grass was wet next to my house and when I went out it was dry. by Keeley

My mum put the washing out on the washing  line when it was wet then later she brought back in and it was all dry.  by Holly

I went swimming and when I got out I was wet and so was my costume and then it dried.  by Angel

When there are no paper towels I shake my hands and they dry.  by Emily

Our New Water Topic

This week we learned that 70% of the world is water.  97%  of that water is salty, 2% of that water is frozan and only 1% of that water is available for us to use.  This water is called freshwater and we find it in the streams, rivers, lakes and ponds.  The salty water is in the oceans and the seas.  We talked about all the ways we use water.  The world doesn’t get any new water it is the same water going round all the time.  Here is a fascinating fact ‘We are drinking the same water that dinosaurs drank thousands of years ago’.

We made new water topic books and we will be working in them over the next few weeks.

Our Zoo Visit

On Wednesday we went to  the zoo.First we went to education centre and got to  hold animals.  Then we went to the chimps house and there was a white chimp too. I liked it when I made funny faces in Eryns photos . We all had an amazing time and we are all getting a ticket to go back and see the pandas another time.  Here are some of our photos.  by Eryn, Ross M and Emma


 This week we have been painting leopards and jaguars.  Jaguars kill thier prey ina single bite. Leopards are lighter and faster than jaguars .

Jaguars come from Central and South America and Leopards come from Aasia and Africa.  They have different markings.

Here is a picture of each one.  Can you tell the difference?  by Eryn

Mr Finlayson’s Visit

Today Angel’s dad Mr Finlayson came to our classroom to show us some of his animals.  The first animal we saw was a water dragon which is a type lizard.  It comes from China and we learned that it changes colour depending on its mood.  Lee, Aimee, Eryn and Mrs Petrie held the water dragon.  Eryn thought it was soft and scaly.

Then Mr Finlayson took out a snake which was a boa.  It comes from Madagascar and they are endangered.  It eats rats and mice, its tongue is sticking out to find its way and it was brown patterned because it lives on the rainforest floor.

The next snake was a python.  The main difference between a python lays eggs and a boa has live young. The python can live in the trees and on the ground and it comes from Australia.

Assessment week

We were doing lots of assessments this week. We were looking at skeletons and we had to match the words to the correct bones. We had to guess what animal skeleton it was. The class made posters about the human life cycle. We made a picture of a chimp and we coloured in with oil pastels. Today it is Red Nose Day and people are dressed up as superheros.

by Angel and Sean


This week we have been learning about chameleons. They can change colour when they are frightened. Their tails curl up to help them balance on a branch. They have a long tongue to catch insects. The animal group they are in is the reptiles. They are incredible animals.

by Holly and Jade

Animal Talks

This week we have been listening to our class talks about animals. I spoke about a cobra. One fact about a cobra is the Indian cobra can kill 10,000 people per year BY ROSS M. I spoke about a black panther. One fact about a black panther is that a black panther is a carnivore BY ERYN. I spoke about a parrot. One fact about a parrot is that a parrot can live up to 80 years. We had a mixture of reptiles, mammlas and birds. Holly spoke about a snake. Ross S spoke about a cheetah. Jade spoke about a leapord. Declan spoke about a jaguar. Joshua wrote about a Blue Coral Snake. We enjoyed hearing all the talks and we learned a lot.

by Eryn Marshall, Ella Green and Ross Millar.

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