Coral Reefs

This week we have been learning about coral reefs and how important they are to life in the oceans.

Did you know?

25% of all the creatures that live in the sea live in coral reefs.  Coral can be hard or soft and it is made from the skeletons of tiny sea creatures.  Lots of fish live and hide in the coral reefs.  Coral like warm, clean, shallow water to live in. Coral also needs light.  Some coral names describe  how they look like the brain, the mushroom and the lettuce coral.  Can you imagine what they look like?

We have a wii in our classroom and we can go diving under the sea.  The first fish we saw on the coral reef was a Blue Tang.  Blue Tangs are a kind of fish that live on coral reefs.  They are blue and yellow and they look very bright to us but on the reef they are camouflaged.  We made blue tangs in class this week out of foam and we gave them googly eyes.  We are adding them to our under the sea display.

Clown fish live on coral reefs. They live in sea anemone which have stinging tentacles.  They don’t sting the clown fish.


We are making a coral reef book.


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