Our Sports Day

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On Wednesday we had our sports day.  We did the sack race, the running race, the beanbag race, skipping race and the potato and spoon race.   The last race was the relay race.  The p2s ran with the p2s and the p3s ran with the p3s.  At half time we all got an ice pole and they were delicious and cold.  They cooled us down because it was a very hot day.

Everyone took part in all of the races and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Our Walk Around the Classroom

On Wednesday the the 27th of May we invited our visitors to walk around our class and see and hear about what we are learning.

We go into groups.

visit 001We were the bears group we were sorting bears into french colours and sizes.



visit 002 We were telling everyone about the Eiffel Tower.visit 003 We were playing tic

tac toe with french words.

visit 004 visit 005 We were matching french body parts to a body picture.





visit 006 We were sorting true and false sentences about cacti.


visit 007 We were putting jaggy spines on our giant cactus.

visit 008We were telling everyone about our funny stories we have written.

visit 009 We were in our garden

centre where we are practising spending money and giving change.

Here are our visitors.


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Planting Seeds

As part of our Plants topic we decided to plant some seeds so we could watch them grow.  We used old plastic bottles because when we were doing our Under the Sea topic we learned how important it is to re-cycle bottles.

We designed a planter using 3 bottles.  First we look at the design and decided whether it was a good design and whether it was going to give the seeds everything they needed.

We decided it was able to give the seeds sunlight and keep them warm.  We can water the seeds through the holes in the side and water drips down through the holes in the caps.

We got into pairs and helped each other plant the seeds using compost, spades and lettuce seeds.  We chose lettuce seeds because we wanted to be able to taste the plants and maybe even put the lettuce on a sandwich.

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We chose a good spot outside our classroom where we can see the seeds growing and we can water them.  It is also a nice sunny spot so the seeds can have lots of sunlight.

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We will let you know what happens!

Our New Topic

Our new topic is called Plants.

Here is what we all said we would like to learn about Plants.

Lily said ‘How do plants grow?’

Isla said ‘How many parts are there in a plant?’

Laya said ‘How long do plants take to grow?’

Rhys ‘What is the sticky stuff inside the stems?’

Amber said ‘Why are leaves different shapes and sizes?’

Mackenzie’What plants can we eat?’

Jamie-Leigh said ‘Why do bees visit flowers/’

Kaiden said ‘Why are there seeds in plants?’

Hannah said ‘Why are seeds different?’

Scott said ‘Can we plant carrots?’

Aimey wanted to plant seeds in a jar and watch them grow.

Azeem said ‘How does a big tree grow from a tiny seed?’

Lucy wanted to look through non-fiction books about plants.

Mia wanted to make the class look like a garden.

Calum was interested in mini-beasts.

Carson said Can we learn about different vegetables?’

Nathan wanted to make a seed picture.

Roy was interested in learning about venus flytraps.

Emma asked’What jobs do the different parts of a plant do?’

Edward said ‘I want to know what leaves do for a plant?’

Imogen wants to plant sunflower seeds.

Morgan wants to know about petals.

Lots of us said we want to have a garden centre in our classroom so we can practise  working with money, spending it and giving change.

We  are looking forward to our new topic.

Korky Paul Visit

Last week Korky Paul the illustrator visited our classroom.  He drew us a strange creature.  We told him what to draw for eyes, ears, legs and a body.  We were using our imaginations to create this creature.  Korky said you need to have a good imagination to draw pictures and write stories.

Korky read us a Winnie the Witch story and told us lots about why he drew things in the book the way he did.  He told us about drawing himself in some of his books and we tried to find him in a picture from one of his books.

We have noticed that he draws characters from one story in his other books and he explained that in  the world he is imagining all his characters live in the same world.  Isn’t that fascinating!

We really enjoyed the visit and it has inspired us to write and illustrate some stories.

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Our Visit to Tesco

On Tuesday we went on a bus to Tesco.  Ryan met us at the door and he took us upstairs to the meeting room.  We left our coats there and then we went downstairs and split into two groups.  One group went to the bakery to watch bread getting made and the other group went to the fruit and vegetables and the fish counter.  The baker’s name was Gary and he was making tiger bread in sticks.  He used flour, water, sugar, salt and a special paste that he painted on the top.  We saw the proving room and the big ovens where they bake the bread.  Everyone got a turn of working the machine that puts rolls in bags.  We saw bread being cut into slices and we got a taste of the bread.

At the fruit Ryan sent us off to find different fruits and he asked us questions. He asked us if a pepper was a fruit or a vegetable.  We know do you?  He asked us what countries the fruit came from.  We had to look at the packets to see this.  He asked Mrs Petrie what fruit has no seeds?  The answer was rhubarb.

Then we went to the fish counter where we held a salmon.  Morgan says ‘It felt squishy’.   Kaiden says ‘It felt slimy’.  Isla says ‘It felt cold’.  We saw lemon sole, prawns, oysters, tiger prawns and half of a crab.

Ryan took us to the cheese counter where we tasted different cheeses.  Imogen doesn’t like cheese.  Amber liked cheddar cheese.  Calum liked the smoked cheese.  Lily liked the edam cheese but no one liked the cheese with apricots in it.

In the end we went back to the meeting room and ate some fresh fruit in bowls.  We all enjoyed that!

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This week we found out how a submarine manages to float and sink.  We found out that it has tanks called ballast tanks.  It fills these tanks with water when it wants to dive under the water.  It empties these tanks and the air in the tanks let the submarine go back up to the surface.  We found out that a submarine has a propeller to move it forward through the water and fins on the side called hydroplanes to help it turn from side to side.  The people in a submarine have to use a periscope to see out and they use computers to help them find out where they are going.

They are used to dive deep in the ocean to study sea creatures and wrecks.

We wrote our explanations of how a submarine works.

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Our next challenge is to use our construction to try to build a submarine.

Under the Sea Stories

We all imagined that we were going to dive under the sea and we wrote a story describing what we wore and what we saw.  One of our groups had to remember to use commas when they were listing all the sea creatures.  We all tried to use the connective because when we were writing our sentences.

We made divers to display our stories and we are hoping our visitors will read them when they come in for open evening.area 004


Edward wanted to know what a diver wears when he or she goes under the sea so we found out the names of all the equipment that a diver puts on. We labelled a picture.  Mr McLaren brought us in the equipment he uses when he goes scuba diving with his sons.  There was a pair of flippers and a snorkel.


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