Summer Term!

Welcome back to Primary 6B after our Easter Holidays!

We were very busy last term and had a well deserved rest over the holidays. Hopefully we are all looking forward to enjoying the last term of school this year and are all going to continue to work extremely hard!

Primary 6B will be continuing this term to work hard to complete our John Muir Discovery Level Award.

Last term we continued our hard work from Aug-Dec by completing a litter pick in our wild area and worked with the local ranger to create bird boxes which we will be putting in our area this term.



As you can see we had a lot of fun!

In our Literacy work this term we shall continue to be focussing largely on imaginative writing, using the VCOP approach to writing. We shall be completing some Functional pieces of writing relating to our topic on The Polar Regions, for example reports, posters and booklets.

In Miss Barclay’s Maths Groups this term, the Rectangles will be completing their Second Level Assessment in preparation for high school in the Summer and will continue to work through Heinemann 8. We will be focussing on multiples; factors; primes; squares; cubes in relation to whole numbers; word formula and dealing with negative numbers.

The Squares maths group will continue to work through Heinemann 5 and will be focussing on data handling – bar charts; number properties – sequences; multiples; factors and the multiplication of a 2/3 digit number by 100.

Our topic this term is on the Polar Regions. We will be looking at the Artic and Antartic, their environment, inhabitants, wildlife and threats due to climate change. We will also be visiting Dynamic Eart this term for our class trip, which will hopefully help us to further understand our topic.

This will undoubtedly be a busy term but one I’m sure we’ll all enjoy!