Autumn upon us already!



We are now coming into our Autumn term and have been very busy indeed! P6B have really enjoyed our WW2 topic. We’ve been working really well in our topic groups to create excellent posters on Evacuation and Gas Masks.


We have also been working very hard to create our Personal Topics, which were to be either Gas Masks or Anderson Shelters!


We have enjoyed learning about what happens during an air raid and the things people had to wear to protect themselves.


 Primary 6 pupils are looking forward to visiting The Smith Museum in Stirling to find out more about WW2 after our October week break!


In Miss Barclay’s Maths Group this term we have been enjoying a lot of active learning! We went outside in groups to record how many activities we could complete in a minute. We recorded our results using tally marks! Who knew doing maths work could keep us so fit?


In our maths lessons we’ve also being learning about weight, in particular how to read scales and weigh things accurately. We even managed to use our excellent weighing skills when creating yummy Crispy Cakes!



In Primary 6B we are very excited that we are about to start working towards our Discovery Level Award for The John Muir Award. We will be working in a wild area just outside the school grounds and will be trying to conserve it in some way.

John Muir was a Scottish explorer who loved being in the outdoors and worked very hard during his life to teach people how important it is to conserve and protect our wild life and nature.

We are hoping in P6 that we too can make a difference and we will keep you posted on all of our good work working towards the award this year.