P6 – Remembrance Assembly

Primary 6 made a wreath.

11th November is Remembrance Day every year.  This is the day when we remember all the men and women who fought in wars to keep us free.  On Monday, which was the 11th November, we had a minute’s silence at eleven o’clock.  That was the time that the First World War ended ninety five years ago.  Then yesterday we had a Remembrance assembly in school.  Many classes did work to contribute to the display in the foyer.  Some classes visited the war memorial.  Primary 6 made poppies out of red napkins and put them together in a wreath.  Josh and Leonie carried it downstairs to the assembly.  Mrs Petrie, Mrs Budge and Mrs Cartwright all spoke about members of their families who fought in wars and told us all where they had travelled to and what part they played.

We also found out that yesterday was World Kindness Day.  Every class has been given strips to use to make a kindness chain.  Every time we receive an act of kindness we will write it down on one of the strips and use them to form a chain.  We’re looking forward to seeing how long each class can make their chain!

Primary 6

P7cl – Helping others!

We are the rights respecting people and we are going to tell you what we have been doing! 

To help others we had a fund raiser for Mckenzie Furniss.We had to come to school in our casual clothes and bring a donation of money.We raised £649 including the nursery!

We also raised money for the N.S.P.C.C. We had a lady come in to speak about it. The lady was called Ishrat. We had to do a maths test and try and get sponsors! We raised £1035!

We are also trying to get new things for the playground so we will be meeting up with the pupil concil to decide with things and think of playground rules!

Primary 7cl

New school session!

This year our committee will be focussing on working towards positive playground behaviour, playground games and playground equipment.  We are looking forward to deciding on an action plan to take our ideas forward.  We will continue to keep everyone updated through our blog.

So far, we have made sure that every class has a charter and that is it up on display for all to see.  Here are our class charters for session 2013/14.

Our group is being supported this session by Miss Fulton, Mrs Walker, Mrs Paterson and Miss Schaeffer.

Class reps are:

P1i – Emily

P1b – Morgan

P2 – Logan

P2/3 – Alissa

P3 – Cara

P4 – Sarah

P4/5 – Ellie

P5/6 – James

P6 – Brooke and Courtney

P7cl – Hailie

P7ca – Emma

Nursery – Jay and Isla

We hope that each class will help us to update our blog regularly to keep you posted on what we’re up to!

Day of Action


Staff and children organised a day of activities and events on Friday 31st May here in school.  This was a day of activities and learning related to our continued positive attitudes and behaviour strategies such as the Cool In School programme, as well as our ECO and environmental projects.

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Rights Respecting Focus Group

At Clackmannan Primary School we have a Rights Respecting Group which is made up of pupils and teachers.  Our group is currently working on implementing a school charter.  Each of our classes already have their own class charter.  We have met on several occasions and have so far consulted with pupils, staff and the HT on which Articles are most relevant to our school.

Each class is represented on our group.  We asked every class which two Articles they felt were the most important.  We then collated our results in order to form the  beginnings of our school charter.  Once we have consulted fully with our HT and the parents we will be launching our charter.  We will update the blog with our progress.

Emma Watson and Hailie Fenwick

Scots Event

On Friday 25th January all the pupils in our school celebrated our Scottish identity.  We held our annual Scots Event and invited local senior citizens along to hear our recitals of Scottish poems and songs.  It was a fun filled event with a variety of performances from poetry, singing, dancing and the playing of musical instruments.  Despite the weather, there was a fantastic turnout of visitors.  A big thank you to our Parent Council and to Kyle Horne, former pupil, for their support.


Article 8 – Governments should respect children’s right to a name, a nationality and family ties.

Sport Relief

This week we have been doing all sorts of things for sport relief. On Thursday we took part in two activites.  We started with a street sprint where we had to sprint sixty metres and see who got the fastest time in the class.  It was very good fun. The next activity we did was the assault course which was really fun too! The first obstacle was the ladder, then the climbing frame.  There were two climbing frames with a ladder in the middle and we had to walk across the ladder.

Today we are going to do a water assault course and we are looking forward to it.  The purpose of this assault course is to highlight the journeys that some children have to make on a daily basis to get clean water.  We found out at an assembly yesterday that 3 children die every minute from a water related illness.  Sadly not all children are lucky enough to have access to clean drinking water.  If you want to find out more about how you can help with Sport Relief then follow the link below:


Not all children in the world have access to clean drinking water.  The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has ‘the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well’ (Article 24).

Michael and Dylan L

Cycle Safety

On Monday we had an assembly visitor! His name was Andrew Abbess from Stirling Cycle Training.  He came to tell us about bike safety and how to avoid accidents.

  1. First he told us to always check if our bikes brakes are working or not! There is a very easy way to check this.  Push your bike along and pull the brake that stops the first wheel!  If the bike does not stop moving tell you parents and stay off your bike until the brakes are working again!
  2. Next he told us about carrying bags while riding on a bike.  Always put both straps on your shoulders (if it has two straps) but if it doesn’t put it over your head so it doesn’t slide down your arm!  Also NEVER put bags on the handle bars, the bike could swerve and you may end up in a bush or on the road.
  3. Clothing!  Always wear highly coloured vests during the day such as a luminous yellow jacket!  But at night the drivers will not be able to see you, so jackets/vests with reflective bands if you want to keep safe. 😀
  4. Next he told us about helmets.  He said that if there was anything you wouldn’t do with a helmet on, don’t do with a helmet off!  He also said “Your helmet is not a force field, it’s a bit of polystyrene that protects part of your head.”  Never wear your helmet climbing a tree or a frame. If you jump down you could catch the strap on a branch or pole and hurt your neck! 😮
  5. Caring for pedestrians; don’t whizz past someone that can’t see you!  You might not hit them but they may be shocked and fall over!  Say excuse me when riding past so they can move out of the way without getting a fright!

~Lucy Cameron – P7

Assembly Visitor

At our assembly, yesterday, we had a visitor from the Boy’s Brigade.  Ian, a development officer, with the organisation told us all about the fun things you can do when joining.  He also showed us a power point presentation about the water cycle and how you can help to support the environment by reducing the amount of water you use on a daily basis.   

Here are some fascinating water facts: 

  • Our bodies are made up of 65% water.
  • Our world’s surface is two-thirds covered in water. 
  • 80% of the human brain is water.
  • Water is made up of a mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen and the chemical name for water is H(2)O – which represents two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom.
  • Water takes on three different forms:
    1.)  Solid – frost , snow, ice.
    2.)  Liquid – rain, lakes, oceans, streams, ponds and rivers.
    3.)  Gas – water vapour.

Not all children in the world have access to clean drinking water.  The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has ‘the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well’ (Article 24).

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