Primary 4/5 – The Right to Play

We have been delighted by the arrival of new play equipment in the primary 4 to 7 playground. We came in from break absolutely buzzing with excitement at the new games that we can now play. We now have even more reason to look forward to morning break and lunchtime!

Some of us have been reading extracts from Zlata’s Diary – the diary of a young girl living in Sarajevo in the early 1990s. When the diary begins Zlata is 10 like some of us, and likes normal things: school, friends, pets, music and simply being a young girl. All this changes when war comes to Sarajevo. Zlata is not able to play with her friends any more, not able to go to school for lessons or even leave her house. It reminds us how lucky we are to have the freedom to play with our friends and have lessons at school.

We are delighted that the litter pickers have been keeping our playground really clean and that everyone is helping by not dropping litter. We are very pleased about our new green flag and are wondering when we will get a turn at being litter pickers at playtime?