P6 – Remembrance Assembly

Primary 6 made a wreath.

11th November is Remembrance Day every year.  This is the day when we remember all the men and women who fought in wars to keep us free.  On Monday, which was the 11th November, we had a minute’s silence at eleven o’clock.  That was the time that the First World War ended ninety five years ago.  Then yesterday we had a Remembrance assembly in school.  Many classes did work to contribute to the display in the foyer.  Some classes visited the war memorial.  Primary 6 made poppies out of red napkins and put them together in a wreath.  Josh and Leonie carried it downstairs to the assembly.  Mrs Petrie, Mrs Budge and Mrs Cartwright all spoke about members of their families who fought in wars and told us all where they had travelled to and what part they played.

We also found out that yesterday was World Kindness Day.  Every class has been given strips to use to make a kindness chain.  Every time we receive an act of kindness we will write it down on one of the strips and use them to form a chain.  We’re looking forward to seeing how long each class can make their chain!

Primary 6