Rights Respecting Focus Group

At Clackmannan Primary School we have a Rights Respecting Group which is made up of pupils and teachers.  Our group is currently working on implementing a school charter.  Each of our classes already have their own class charter.  We have met on several occasions and have so far consulted with pupils, staff and the HT on which Articles are most relevant to our school.

Each class is represented on our group.  We asked every class which two Articles they felt were the most important.  We then collated our results in order to form the  beginnings of our school charter.  Once we have consulted fully with our HT and the parents we will be launching our charter.  We will update the blog with our progress.

Emma Watson and Hailie Fenwick

Scots Event

On Friday 25th January all the pupils in our school celebrated our Scottish identity.  We held our annual Scots Event and invited local senior citizens along to hear our recitals of Scottish poems and songs.  It was a fun filled event with a variety of performances from poetry, singing, dancing and the playing of musical instruments.  Despite the weather, there was a fantastic turnout of visitors.  A big thank you to our Parent Council and to Kyle Horne, former pupil, for their support.


Article 8 – Governments should respect children’s right to a name, a nationality and family ties.