Since coming back from the Christmas holidays we have been very busy in the nursery. A special delivery arrived from a very sad dragon, he was needing our help. The children have been thinking very hard about how we could help the dragon and they decided we needed to turn our nursery into Fairyland. So far they have built a magic beanstalk, created a huge giant, made their own castle and started writing letters back to the dragon. The dragon keeps sending us special letters to see how we are getting on trying to save Fairyland. The children have been enjoying role play based on Jack and the Beanstalk and some have been dressed up as the Giant. We managed to borrow a pair of the Giant’s shoes to use in the role play area…they are a size 14! In the water tray we have created Jack’s cow. The children have been able to milk the cow and fill up the milk cartons.
The dragon asked if we could spread the word about reading Fairytales, if people start believing again there is a chance Fairyland could come back to life. We have read Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the Gingerbread Man so far. The firm favourite has been Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have been measuring the size of the beanstalk, the Giant and Jack. They compared the sizes to see who/what was the biggest and smallest. They have also created patterns using Giant shoes and tiny shoes. We have special magic bean counters who have been sorting out the beans to try and find the magic ones. They found 5 golden beans hidden in the tray! We wonder if the dragon put them there!?
If any of the children want to write letters to the dragon at home, they are more than welcome and there is a special dragon mail letter box in the nursery so the letters go straight to him.
The groups are again taking it in turns to attend the coffee morning at the Church Hall. It is a great experience for the children and they really enjoying walking up, having juice and a cake and getting to play in the park on the way back down. Helpers for walking are always appreciated. Thank you to Edith and Karen who help us out regularly.
We look forward to welcoming you into the nursery to see what the children have been doing during the open evening in March.
I am looking forward to finding out all about fairyland. I hope you are all able to help make the dragon happy again.
How lovely of you all to help the dragon. We all love listening to stories so I am sure you will have great fun. Everyone is telling me that they are enjoying their visits with P1 and the P1 children are really enjoying popping back to nursery class to work there too.
I hope that the dragon is feeling happier now.P1i are making a castle for him, did you know that?