All sorts of fun!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks in nursery!  We have been continuing our learning focussing on our light and dark theme. This has led us in many different directions!

To end our work on changing seasons and on autumn the pre-school children went for a walk in the woods.  We all enjoyed the experience and we noticed lots of seasonal changes there.  We also learned about keeping ourselves safe on the roads and in the woods. We hope to make visits to the woods a more regular part of our learning experiences as the year goes on.

We moved on to learning about festivals and we enjoyed finding out about Diwali, Halloween and Bonfire Night.  This led us on to lots of role play as firefighters and a visit from the fire engine.  We learned about the different jobs firefighters do and we really enjoyed making up and acting out stories of rescues outdoors.

In our listening and talking groups we have been learning to clap the number of syllable in words and to listen for rhymes in stories and songs. We have also started to work on hearing the first sound in words. We are enjoying playing I Spy…to help us to do this.

This week we have started learning the songs for our Nativity Play. We are very excited about this but it is still a work in progress…

Have a look at the photographs of some of our adventures below.