Welcome Back!

We have all settled back into nursery after the holidays and we have been working on learning and remembering nursery rules and routines over the first few weeks.

We have welcomed lots of new boys and girls to our nursery and have been enjoying getting to know them.

We have been working very hard on our learning in maths so far this term.  We are working on learning our colours, numerals and counting objects to match with them. You will see in our photographs that we are making superb progress!

We have also learned the four rules of good listening. They are sitting still, staying quiet, listening to all of the words and looking at the person wh ois talking. We have been playing lots of fun games to help us to improve our listening skills. We have also been practising listening to musical instruments and talking in a ‘big voice’.

Our first theme has been hand washing.  We have been learning why it is important to wash our hands and we have been practising washing our hands.  we have learned lots of songs to help us to remember these things.

Here are some photographs of our learning in nursery.

We have also welcomed two new members of staff to our nursery this term.  Miss McNeill and Mrs McIntosh are our new Early Years Workers.  They will be the group leaders for our 2 year olds but will also work with all of the older children in our nursery at various times.  If you have a 2 year old or know someone who has a 2 year old, who might benefit from a place in our nursery please click on the link below to find out more about eligibility and how to apply for a place.


Application forms and further information are also available from our nursery.