Holidays are coming!

This year at nursery has been fabulous.  We have had fun taking part in lots of different activities.
We thought that this time we would share some pictures with you.
We travelled by bus to the Commonwealth Games.
We took part in lots of activities and sports.
We had fun writing in the shaving was messy!
Rhyme time with our audience was lots of fun.
The Fire Fighters came to visit us, it was very interesting.
As you can see, we have had a very busy year.  We hope you have enjoyed looking at our pictures.

3 thoughts on “Holidays are coming!”

  1. I think my favourite activity would be writing in the shaving foam! I know that some of you have been having your photograph taken with your big buddies so we will see them on the wall soon.

  2. What a wonderfully busy time you have had in nursery. We look forward to saying hello again after the holidays.

  3. Hello again everyone! It has been lovely seeing you all back in nursery this session. The builders have been working in our nursery over the holidays and we have new members to our nursery team. I think it is going to be s upper busy year for us all with lots of fun and learning.

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