Holidays are coming!

This year at nursery has been fabulous.  We have had fun taking part in lots of different activities.
We thought that this time we would share some pictures with you.
We travelled by bus to the Commonwealth Games.
We took part in lots of activities and sports.
We had fun writing in the shaving was messy!
Rhyme time with our audience was lots of fun.
The Fire Fighters came to visit us, it was very interesting.
As you can see, we have had a very busy year.  We hope you have enjoyed looking at our pictures.

June 6th

We had a fabulous time at the nursery Commonwealth Games last week at Lornshill Academy.  We all got the bus along and joined in games with the rest of the cluster nurseries.  There were lots of activities to take part in and even a station where we got water and fruit to give us energy. In the nursery we had made our own mascot…Clyde.  We made him from recycled materials.  Do you like him?

Each nursery was given a country to represent, we were St. Kitts and Nevis.  We had to wear green bibs on the day so that everyone knew who we were.

We were all very tired after all that exercise…thank goodness for the juice stop!

Mrs Walker leading the way with the St. Kitts and Nevis flag.

At the end of the Games, we all got our very own gold medal to keep.  They are lovely and shiney.

The sun finally shone in the afternoon and we had a lovely day.

Thank you to all the helpers, you were super.