May 9th

We have all been busy in the nursery over the past couple of weeks.  A kind parent brought in some tadpoles and we have been feeding them and watching them grown.  They are funny little things and grown quite a bitin only one week.  When they get even bigger we will need to return them so that they can live in the wild.  Did you know that tadpoles grow into frogs?

We have spent a lot of time outside in the garden this week.  We have been planting flowers and vegetables, hopefully we have get some lovely things to eat.  Have you seen all the hard work that Mrs Galloway has been doing?  Mrs Galloways and the children have decorated our garden.  It is now very bright and colourful with beautiful butterflies, daisies and lady birds decorating the fencing.  The children even planted flowers in welly boots which are looking lovely on the side of the house.  If you haven’t noticed, be sure to take a look next time you are round.  Well done everyone!

We are learning about the Commonwealth Games and have been looking at all the different sports that take place.  We have also decorated the nursery with some of the countries flag, it is looking good.  Next week for Health Week, our nursery are having their very own sponsored bike ride.  That should be lots of fun.

Our children that are going to school in the summer have continued to visit the Early Years classrooms and had lots of fun with the Primary 1 children.  Their favourite part has been playing in the big playground and taking part in some games.

We have a busy term ahead with lots of exciting activities planned.  We will tell you all about them in the coming weeks.

One thought on “May 9th”

  1. The sunshine has brought out all our green fingered gardeners! The nursery outside space is looking lovely. Have you popped round to the grass area in the big playground? The Garden Gang of P4 are planting lots of things around there. The grass area is for everyone to enjoy with its benches and of course the lovely big story telling chair – please visit this area soon if you haven’t been round.
    I have enjoyed seeing you all having fun outside even though it was a bit chilly during the week we were still all able to get out with our jackets on.

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