Welcome back

We hope everyone had a lovely Easter Break and are ready for the busy term ahead.

Since coming back to nursery the children have been very busy with two new topics.  The first topic is the Commonwealth Games.  We are learning about all the different countries that are taking part and what their flags look like.  The country that we will be learning most about is St. Kitts and Nevis, we have been paired with them for the Commonwealth Games.

One of the morning children brought in some fabulous pictures of calves on his families farm.  They had just been born and he told us how the calves should be looked after and where they stay.  He also told us about how hay is made into bales and how it is transported around the farm.  One of the girls in the afternoon brought in some amazing pictures of lambs.  She was lucky enough to be able to help feed them.  This was the stimulus for our other new topic which will be all about life around the farm.

There are many exciting activities coming up this term.  The pre school children will be visiting school in the morning and afternoon for a few weeks.  This is to get them used to the primary school and the new routines.  The children are really looking forward to this experience.