March 28th

Well it is nearly Easter time and we have been busy in the nursery.  It was lovely to see so many familiar faces at the Open Evening on Tuesday, a real blast from the past.  We hope you enjoyed looking round the nursery.

Spring has really sprung in the nursery as well.  We have been busy making cards and creating beautiful Spring pictures.  During singing time we have been learning songs about Spring time.  They have included daffodils, lambs and little spring chickens.

Afternoon pre school children had a lovely time on Monday round at the big school.  They read Goldilocks and the Three Bears with Primary 1 and then worked with a P1 partner to complete a soft and hard task linked to the story.  The nursery children were super, as were the P1’s at keeping them right with routines.

Dressing up has been as popular as ever, with the princesses proving very popular.  Come into the nursery at any time and you are bound to see 2 or 3 princesses dancing round.  We have definitely managed to help the Friendly Dragon save Fairyland with all our reading and Fairytale activities.