Nearly March!

The year is just going so quickly, nearly March already!  We have been very busy in the nursery, helping to save Fairyland and also celebrating Chinese New Year.

Whilst celebrating Chinese New Year, the children have been taking part in a variety of activities and tasting a variety of food.  We have danced with the Chinese Dragon and had a parade round the nursery, listened to Chinese music and tasted noodles and fortune cookies.  The children enjoyed finding out their fortunes with their cookies and had a great time making their own Chinese Dragons.  They were very colourful and were used in our parade.  We have rice in the water tray for the children to play with, it is a sensory activity and is proving very popular.

Our Nursery has really turned into Fairyland and we have been doing at great job helping the Friendly Dragon.  This week we have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the children have really enjoyed taking part in activities linked with this.  We have been working on sizes and singing songs all about Goldilocks.  The house corner has been transformed into the Three Bears house and the children have been dressing up as the bears and Goldilocks.  You often hear someone shouting for another child to come and play Goldilocks.  In the dough, porridge oats have been added and the children have been making bears, cakes and gingerbread with it.

The children have been building a castle for all the Fairyland characters to live in, it is really looking great!

We hope everyone is able to attend the Open Evening in March.