We have been very busy the last couple of weeks in the nursery. The Polar Bears came to visit us and we had a spooky Halloween party.
The Polars Bears visited us from the MacRobert Centre in Stirling. They brought a fantastic show to the nursery which the children really enjoyed. The children got to dance and play with the Polar Bears as they took a journey up a mountain, across a river and over a wobbly bridge. A big thank to the Polar Bears for coming to see us.
Our Halloween party was a great success with some fantastic costumes. There were lots of different games and activities for the children to take part in all around the nursery. Some children were very brave and put their hands into the witches cauldron to see what they could find. The cauldron was filled with slimey jelly and lots of creepy critters! The children made their own magic poitions, dooked for apples and sung their hearts out.
Next week is Children in Need, so remember to wear your pyjamas next Friday (15th)!