What a busy time we have had in nursery this term.  Lots of fun and exciting things have been happening and there is more to come.  After the break we will be finding out all about wheels.  There are lots of questions that need to be answered.

The Orange Group went to the coffee morning this week, this was the first time they had been.  All the children had a great time and were very well behaved.  On the way back to school we made a stop off to collect some apples.  The children got to pick them from the tree and we have been enjoying them for snack this week.

A wee reminder that we are on holiday next week and we welcome you back on Monday 21st October.  Have a lovely October break.

October already!

The nursery has all been moved around and the children are enjoying the different areas which have been added to the main room.  The house corner has been a firm favourite with all and it is nice to see the children playing together to tell a story.

A garage has been opened in the nursery since the children had taken an interest in blowing up tyres and fixing the bikes outside.   They now have spanners, nuts, bolts and lots of other instruments to help them take apart and mend the bikes with some supervison.

The children have really enjoyed going to the Community Wing in the school to take part in ring games and songs.  They have been playing games with the parachute which requires a great deal of team work and super listening from everyone.  The games have allowed the children to practice listening carefully for colours and numbers, which they have all been doing very well.

A little reminder that the October break begins on Friday 11th October and we return to school on Monday 21st October.