Welcome back!

First blog of the new term and we’d like to welcome everyone back.  This is going to be a very busy term and we have lots of exciting things planned.

After chatting to the children, they decided that our topic for this term would be Dinosaurs.  They have come up with some super ideas of what they would like to know and find out.  In the sand tray this week we have been excavating dinosaur fossils using expert equipment.  The children have enjoyed trying to find the dinosaurs and work out what type they are.  In the coming weeks we will be taking part in lots of other exciting activities.

With the lovely weather we have been having the children have spent a lot of time outside.  They have been practising riding bikes, balancing, sharing and taking turns.  Our fruit and vegetable patch has also been a great success, the children have been harvesting strawberries, potatoes, green beans and carrots.  I think they definitely enjoyed eating the strawberries!

This week the Blue Group walked beautifully to the coffee morning in the church hall.  They all had a super morning and enjoyed their juice and cake.  Thank you to the ladies that helped us walk up.  Next week another group will be going and any help is greatly appreciated.

We have some visitors to the nursery next week from Nicolls and Dimes Stage school.  We will keep you posted on how much fun we have.