Comic Relief – Superheroes

Thank you to all those who have already supported Comic Relief by buying a red nose. How fab that this year they were dinosaurs following on from our fantastic topic 😉 The children are getting very excited at being dressed as a superhero on Friday!!! Some have already been practising. We are looking forward to seeing some interesting outfits (outnumbered by Spiderman!)

One thought on “Comic Relief – Superheroes”

  1. I was in the nursery on Friday and as always everyone was so busy and enjoying all the activities. It has still been a bit cold outside but at least we are getting into our outdoor spaces more. Have you been round to the front part of the school to see the new things going into the sensory garden? We have just started, but the workmen came and put in lots of wooden furniture. I love the big story-telling chair. I hope it is soon lovely and sunny and maybe you could have a story time out there.

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