Halloween,Bonfire Night and Outer Space in the Nursery

The children have been very busy since our October week holiday.They enjoyed making their own instruments out of plastic cups,pasta,rice and even made drums out of chocolate tins,with Miss Waldron,our ECO rep.We can recycle ANYTHING!

Halloween was “spooktacular” ,we made witches potions and our creative children choose what went into them.They enjoyed hammering golf tees into pumpkins which was very messy, but great fun!Mrs Galloway made a pumpkin lantern with the children and we had two parties where the children and ladies dressed up as a variety of Halloween characters.They enjoyed dooking for apples,hooking pumpkins and even stirred the witches cauldron – they were braver than some of the ladies!

We introduced the children to our “Dark Den” which has been well used as a witches cave and more recently as a rocket and planet as we explore Outer Space.We used some of our donated Tesco vouchers to acquire this and it has been a welcome addition to our Role Play area.

Some children have expressed an interest in shape so we have been exploring 3D shapes by building cylinder rockets and matching real life objects such as cans of food so hopefully the children will be talking to you about this!Miss Waldron even made a pyramid bonfire at snack using Angel Delight and mandarin oranges.Delicious!

The children have learnt about fireworks, making colourful glittery pictures with Mrs Walker and also about  fire safety. Theyhave enjoyed role play at our fire station and squirting water in the water tray putting fires out.The childrens interest in shape has lead from rockets onto flying saucers and space. We are amazed at how much the children have learnt already about space and planets. Mrs Galloway ,our intrepid astronaut,conducted an experiment using cola and mints,making her very own cola rockets! We launched them in the playground and they reached quite a height!The children loved it! Defiinitely an outdoor activity if you want to try it! The children have also enjoyed acting out the “Whatever Next” story using a box and everyday objects!Rockets can be made of anything!

This week we have been busy preparing items for Enterprise at the forthcoming Xmas Fayre,there will be gifts for sale for all of the family,even your pets.Mrs Lindsay’s biscuits are delicious! The proceeds will go towards the Sensory Garden project.

Watch out for our next blog


Mrs Walker and all the ladies