Read the article below and answer the following questions:
Oldest Spider Dies
Vocabulary: look up the definition of three words from the article you are not sure of the meaning of.
2. List three facts about the life of Australian trapdoor spiders
3. What are the benefits of scientific research into the natural world? Give your own opinion.
Read the article:
Teenagers need sleep – Independent newspaper
Answer the following questions:
Write down the names and job titles of all the experts quoted in the article.
According to Professor Russell Foster, how may hours sleep a night do teenagers need? In your experience, how many do most teenagers get?
Write down three main points from the article.
What is the writer’s main argument?
How does the writer use statistics to back up their argument? (Quote some statistics used and explain what they prove)
Read the last paragraph of the article. What does it suggest as a solution to the problem of fake news?
Read the following article and answer the questions:
What did Pele say about women’s football?
What problems face female footballers in Brazil?
In what way could Marta be seen as more successful than Pele?
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