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Home Learning for 20/09


By next Friday you should have completed the following home learning tasks. 🙂

Word choice task on Species Extinction article

Sentence Structure Task on Species Extinction article

Find a non-fiction article with a strong tone/s.  Identify the language that creates this / these tone/s.

Complete the tasks in the Tone section of How To Pass Higher English (69-72)

Home Study Task (these are not optional!)

Afternoon, troops.  🙂


Complete the sentence structure RUAE task on ‘Humans Are Ushering In The Sixth Mass Extinction Of Life On Earth, Scientists Warn’.

Show how the writer uses sentence structure to emphasise the danger posed by humans to the natural world. (3 marks) 

Finish this for Friday 30th.

You can do it.  Onward and upward.  MrT


Home Study Task :)

Good afternooon, carriers of the fire.  Get stuck in to these activities!

Complete tasks on pages 3 and 4 of your The Road study booklet for Tuesday 20th August.

Complete the RUAE task on ‘Humans Are Ushering In The Sixth Mass Extinction Of Life On Earth, Scientists Warn’.  (Show how the writer uses word choice to emphasise the concerning impact of humans on the natural world. (2 marks) AND Show how the writer uses word choice to emphasise the human capacity to overcome environmental problems. (2 marks))  Finish this for Friday 23rd, please.

You can do it!  MrT