Eco Update

Thank you to all the people who donated money on Eco Day.We raised £704.80 for Kiurani High School to buy a digital projector. Also thanks to all those who made an effort with dressing up. S1 Geography started to calculate their global footprint.

Coming up we have S1 litter workshops on Thursday the 2nd of February provided by the City of Edinburgh Council.

We will be holding a plant sale during the 4th years parent evening on Thursday the 2nd of February. All plants were grown in the greenhouse.

There will be a bake-sale on Friday the 3rd of February to help fundraise for re-adopting the polar bears with WWF and the giant pandas in Edinburgh Zoo.

Finally Tom Ballantine, a parent on the Eco Committee, is coming to do a workshop on climate change with the Eco Team on Wednesday the 8th of February.
By Alexander

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