Merry Christmas!

The raised beds at Jewel & Esk College garden

Although it’s been a log time since our last update, in the past few months we have been doing plenty of exciting things! We conducted a few assemblies in the school to raise awareness and to encourage more pupils to join the Eco Team. These assemblies were very successful and we have gained lots of new members who have contributed greatly to our current success 🙂

We also recently created our Eco Committee Action Plan for 2012/13. We plan to start recycling cans and bottles and also to promote the existing paper recycling and composting. Our plan also includes looking into the possibility of saving energy around the school building, improving the biodiversity garden and continuing our constant campaign against litter.

This term, some of our Eco Team visited the nearby Standard Life offices at Baileyfield Estate. We have maintained this link for some years and those of us who visited the offices this year were really impressed to see how many employees there support the environmentally friendly ideas the Green Team have implemented. it also reminded us that saving energy and resources also saves money!

A few weeks ago, some members of the Eco Team went along to Jewel & Esk College to assist in the creation of their garden. This afternoon was lots of fun and in the near future students from Jewel & Esk will be coming here to help us out in our own biodiversity garden.

At present we are focusing on a litter project we are doing in collaboration with Changeworks, funded by Zero Waste Scotland. All S1 and S2 pupils have attended a litter assembly and so far S2 pupils have also attended a drama workshop involving a performance and hotseating activity. A few members of our Eco Team have been trained as social reporters and are completing litter audits in the school ground. In the new year we will use the results from these, and also from surveys given to a sample from each year group, to make an Action Plan to help the school tackle litter.

we have lots of work to do in the new year! Don’t forget to contact us if you have any suggestions, comments or would like to get involved.

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