
Welcome to Portobello High School’s Eco Blog. Access this blog to stay up to date with all our Eco Schools developments. In the 2011/12 session, our Eco Committee will be applying for our 5th Green Flag award –  a huge undertaking. Although we are continuing all our ongoing work from previous Green Flags, such as the Energy Police, Car Free/Share days and visits to Standard Life in Baileyfield Estate to share good practice, the 3 topics we have been focusing on are Litter, Sustaining Our World and Food and the Environment. This year we aim to raise awareness of and take action for these issues through school assemblies, whole-school events and developing our relationship with pupils and staff at Kiurani High School, our link school in Kenya.

Please use this blog (and this Glow group) to post questions and comments, useful resources, upcoming events and competitions which the school could be involved in. The next Eco Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday 21 September at 1pm.

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