Category Archives: Life Skills

Student Council 2010

The start of the new school year saw Castlebrae’s Student Council re-convene with three new additions from S1 after voting took place in their class. They, along with the other members in S2—S6, meet every three weeks ensuring that the students at Castlebrae have a say in the decision making of the school.

The student council have learned about chairing meetings, drawing up an agenda and taking minutes as well as the correct etiquette for meetings. These sessions have given the members the tools and confidence to enable  effective meetings to take place which will involve discussion and decision making on various issues involving the school and wider community.

The school has also used members to get involved in the teachers own working groups to allow the students to voice their opinion on various whole school matters. Last year, two members regularly attended the positive behaviour group and it is hoped that more teachers meetings will involve a contribution from the Student Council.

It has to be emphasized that the Student Council is not just about the sixteen members who attend the meetings. They are representing their own tutor group which means that everyone in the school has a right to voice their  opinion on school matters. If any pupil has an issue which they want to raise, they should approach their representative who will then put it on the agenda as an item to be discussed at the next meeting. There is also a Student Council notice board in the school which will have the minutes of each meeting for all students to view.

Remember School improvement is far more likely to happen if Students are involved !

Get a Job Day 2010

Current S4 pupils had the opportunity to take part in the annual enterprise event ’Get a Job’ day.

The event, co-ordinated by Guidance staff at Castlebrae and Community Connections, offers young people the opportunity to go through the process of applying and interviewing for employment before they leave school.

The pupils choose their favoured career with their Guidance teacher, Community Connections then try to match these professions with a local employer who visits the school, supports them in their application process and then offers students a mock interview at their place of work.

Many business partners continue to return year after year to support the event and pupils at Castlebrae as they enjoy their   experiences at the school and working with the pupils.

This years local business partners included the Army, Castlerock Edinvar, Ford Motor Company, Bannatynes Gym, Medusa Hairdressing, Fort Kinnaird Shopping Centre, Harvey Nichols, Zen Lifestyle, North Edinburgh Childcare and Sodexo.