


Our class novel, GOODNIGHT MISTER TOM features a boy called Willie Beech and a man called Tom Oakley. Willie is from London and he used to stay with his horrid mother. At the start of the book Willie comes to the village were Mr Oakley lives, Little Weirwold. Willie is forced to stay with Mr Oakley and then they become friends.

Later on in the book Willie is in the post office and he sees a peculiar boy called Zach. Willie had never seen a boy who was so elegant. He sounded really posh and well educated. Zach wrote a postcard to his mother and he wanted to fit in all of what he wanted to say onto the postcard so he used a magnifying glass so he could write as much on the page as possible (so his writing was really really small!)

We had a go at trying to write the way Zach did (including using a magnifying glass!). Have a look at our postcards… and good luck reading them.

By Fraser

First Aid Training With Tom Malcolm

Today an experienced first aider called Tom Malcolm told us all about first aid. We learned loads of information including:
What to do when some one is choking,
What to do if some one is having an asthma attack,
We also learned the Aims of First Aid (Why do we do First Aid, Action plans, Getting help and Initial assessments)
We learned DRAB (Danger, Response, Airway and Breathing)
Also we learned about all of the different types of inhalers.
There are blue ones, red ones, purple ones and brown ones.
The most common / effective inhaler is the blue one.
Remember to call 112 if you are in an accident not 999 because that is the old number.
keep safe!