Football (with P6/7)

Last week P7F came together with P6/7G to do a Football extravagance. We did Drills and some Games. First we did a pass and follow drill where we passed to someone and then you followed into their place. We put people into teams depending on how confident they are playing football and how much they play football – so there were teams of people who play football regularly playing against other teams that play football regularly, teams with people who sometimes play football playing against others who sometimes play football and teams of people who never play football playing teams of people who never play football aswell. The games were competitive but fun.

By Fraser

Paired Reading P7F + P4W / P5HM!

Image result for paired reading

Recently we have been paired up with a partner from either P4W or P5HM. For example:

Joao’s Partner is – Janna,

Robert’s Partner is – Oscar,

Sophie’s Partner is –  Kiyah.

We do paired reading to help  the P5s or P4s to get better at reading.

After every session of reading, the P7s give their partners a star and a wish to give them an idea of how to improve in the next session.

Image result for star and a wish

We REALLY enjoy paired reading as it helps younger kids read and keeps us, older ones occupied and gives us a chance to be the teacher for a change!

By Sophie 🙂

Propaganda Posters

In class we designed propaganda posters. Propaganda posters were used in World War 2 to persuade civilians to do certain things like grow your own vegetables, eat vegetables or evacuate your child. In class we got into pairs to try and either design our own propaganda poster or copy an existing one.


First we designed our poster filling in boxes for:

  • What it’s going to say
  • What it’s going to show
  • What it’s going to mean
  • Who the audience is going to be

Some things to think about were:

  • The information doesn’t have to be completely true (ie. If you were doing it about evacuation you could make everyone happy so they thought it was a good thing)
  • Make it bold and colourful
  • Make sure the picture gives across the same point of view as the writing

After we were confident with the layout we did a quick sketch of the poster before getting artists paper and drawing our real copy. The posters turned out really good!!

Real propaganda posters from World War 2:


Image result for propaganda posters ww2 dig for victory


Image result for propaganda posters ww2 food


Here are our posters. See if you can see what the poster is trying to convince you to do:

By Rhianna

Academy Library Visit

As you probably know we are all in P7 – So that means that we will all be going to the academy soon! Yay! But to know what we are going through we need to have a lot of visits. One of the visits we have already been on was to the library. It was SO big compared to our one and has so many more books than ours as well! So first, after we put our jackets away we had a quick look around. Then the librarians sat us down and they introduced themselves. We did a few activities in the library and then the librarians were kind enough to give us juice / water and biscuits. While we were eating / drinking we had a look around and it turns out that they have AMAZING books that will suit everyone’s taste and style of books. It was really fun and we will definitely be going to the library when we are S1s and older!

Image result for library

By Sophie Aiken – P7F 🙂

World War 2 Leaders

This term our project is about WW2 and as part of that we drew the leaders of the main countries involved. Their names are Winston Churchill and Neville Chamberlain, who were the Prime Minister’s of Great Britain during the war, the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the French Leader Charles De Gaulle, Joseph Stalin, who was the Russian Dictator, Benito Mussolini, the Italian Dictator, the Japanese General Hideki Tojo, and also the Leader of the Nazi Party in Germany, Adolf Hitler. We have worked hard to get these finished and you can see them below.

This is the guide that we used to draw our leaders. . If you want to draw a person you can use this website.

Here are all the photos of our portraits. Can you recognise any of the leaders?

By Oliver Watt

Music-Barnyard of Delgaty

This term in music we were learning a song called ‘Barnyards of Delgaty’ and then we learnt how to play to the it  using instruments.

First we had to learn the lyrics to the song. It was really fun learning the song but quite hard at the same time because the song was Scottish and the words were different from to ones we use today.

For example: Father = Faither

When we finally learnt the song we then had to learn how to play to it. At first we all played the tune/melody until we all remembered it and the people who learnt it fast could learn how to do vamping on the keyboards. Later on we all had a chance to play the melody/tune, the harmony, the cords and vamping. After we all had a shot at playing each of the parts we could think which part we would like to play to the song.

A week later…

The following week we could pick which part we want to do( from the melody/tune, the harmony, the cords and vamping). It was quite loud when we were all practicing but we all learnt our part in time. We also added the drums. At the end of the session Mr Flett came to hear us playing and he said that we played very well.

A week later…

For the last week of music we learnt how to play and sing at the same time. We first sang the song again and then we played again. And then we put it together. After we practiced for a long time we got Mr Flett to see it. He was really impressed and said we should put it on the blog… so here it is!

See what you think!


By Wanessa

Maths – Fractions

In maths we have been learning about fractions and we have been making fraction guidebooks. We have done this blog post to show you what fractions are, (if you haven’t seen them!) A fraction is a part of a whole. It is split up into equal sections. You call that a fraction of a whole. Here are some examples of some fractions. 

This is a fraction wall. It shows you parts of the wall, split up into equal sections. Here is what Uma’s fraction book says: WHAT IS A FRACTION?
A fraction is part of a whole. In a fraction there are special name for the top and bottom number. The top number is called the numerator and the bottom number is called the denominator.                                                         This circle you see here is 2/3s because if you imagine that one of the sections is coloured in then it would be 1/3 but because two of the sections are coloured in, then it’s 2/3. If all of it was coloured in then it would be 3/3 or 1 whole.

Here are a few examples of a fraction:

1/4 = 1 quarter

1/2 = 1 half

2/6 = two sixths


By Cerys and Isobel

Hello and welcome to our P7 class blog. We will use this to keep parents, carers and grandparents informed about what we get up to in the classroom. We will also use it to give the pupils an authentic audience for their work! Please check back often and leave us a comment…. we love comments! We look forward to hearing from you!

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