Our ‘Scream’ Paintings

The Scream Paintings

In art, P7F have been very busy drawing / painting / making the famous ‘The Scream’ Paintings.

This is the original painting:


But we think that ours are WAY better than it!

Everybody in P7F did a painting but we all made our look different. All of our finished products are unique and we like them that way.

We used our imaginations to think what the ‘alien’ is staring at.

Some of us think that he is gawping at a tornado, a monster, or even a helicopter!

We used the original copy as a helper but we made it our own.

Once we were finished sketching it out with a light pencil we used acrylic paints to fill the sketch in.

After the paint had dried we used coloured pencils and oil pastels to liven the painting up a bit.

We are really proud of our finished products and we would love to repaint a very famous painting like this one again!

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xBy Sophie x

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